
本文將說明如何將FREESCO安裝(又稱為植入或是複製)在硬碟中,同時假設您已經成功的將FREESCO安裝在磁片上,且已經順利的將FREESCO正常運作。也假設您也已經在您的電腦中,安裝好要作為安裝FREESCO系統用的硬碟,以便我們接下去的安裝工作,亦即是將FREESCO安裝在硬碟中。下面的安裝步驟,我們是將硬碟安裝在電腦IDE primary排線的master位置,用Linux術語來說,就是指/dev/hda這個裝置。


另一種方式是將FREESCO安裝到linux格式的硬碟方式,在FREESCO 034版本以後,可以將FREESCO安裝在硬碟的 ext2 硬碟分割區中。ext2的資料系統是遠優於DOS的資料系統,在此不多做描述講解,請網友自行尋找相關的 ext2 文件說明。要將FREESCO安裝在ext2的硬碟分割區中,首先要先安裝ext2 package程式。一旦將ext2 package程式安裝完成後,ext2 package程式就可以製造可以安裝FREESCO系統的ext2硬碟分割區,並且將FREESCO系統安裝在此分割區中。這個方式才是本文要說明的安裝方式,同時我本人也推薦大家使用這種方式。

這表示我們可以將FREESCO真正的變成一個開放且合法的系統,不須將他安裝在DOS的資料分割底下,因為DOS不是免費的系統,對於使用非正版的網友來說,可能有觸法的危險。而後面的安裝說明,都是針對將FREESCO安裝在ext2硬碟分割區中的說明,請網友稍加注意瞭解,最好有一點Linux的概念。如果您還是想將FREESCO安裝在DOS的硬碟分割區中,減低不必要的煩惱,請參考 old tutorial for installing FREESCO這個網頁,裡面有詳細的說明。不過這個頁面的資料,並沒有隨時的更新,因此網友在閱讀網頁時,請依您實際的FREESCO版本安裝,基本上都是大同小異的。

將FREESCO安裝在ext2硬碟分割區中的唯一限制,就是版本的問題。因為不同版本的FREESCO,必須搭配相同版本的ext2 package程式。如034版本的FREESCO就要搭配034版本的ext2 package程式,以此類推後面更新的FREESCO版本。請到Lightnings release announcement網頁下載您安裝的FREESCO相同版本的ext2 package程式。


swap的容量大小,一般都是規劃您電腦記憶體的2倍容量大小,而且FREESCO本身對於swap硬碟分割區的限制是不能超過127MB,超過這個限制的swap的容量,都會被FREESCO忽略浪費掉,所以我們的swap的容量不要超過這個值。如果您的電腦記憶體有很多的RAM,那切割swap分割區反而會拖慢您的系統速度,相關的swap拖慢系統的原因說明,請參考slow down your system. 網頁中的說明,在this post 討論區,有更多有關swap 的說明。


[ Top ]

安裝 ext2 package

首先要做的第一件事是安裝ext2 package程式。 通常這個package程式可以從FREESCOsoft網頁下載, 但是這個頁面的程式版本更新速度較慢。請到FREESCO作者Lightning本身的Lightnings release announcement網頁上下載,可以找到最新版本的程式。


[root@Freesco] pkg -i http://www.freesco.net/packages/ext2-0.3.5-lewis

ext2 package程式會安裝開始,並且會詢問您是否想要觀看反安裝/安裝描述檔案內容:

Installing...                           ext2-0.3.5-lewis
Do you want to view the install/uninstall script (y/n) [n]?

如果您對本描述安裝檔案內容沒有興趣觀看, 請直接按Enter鍵繼續下面的安裝步驟:

Prepare and move FREESCO v0.3.5 to an ext2 hard drive partition.

Checking versions...                    Pv0.3.5
Checking required temp space...         Ok
Checking required disk space...         Ok
Checking dependencies...                Ok
Checking if package is installed...     Ok
Checking for existing libraries...      Ok
 *****************-- This is an official FREESCO package --********************
     _/_/_/ _/_/_/  _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ EEEEE X   X TTTTT 22222
    _/     _/  _/  _/     _/     _/     _/     _/  _/  E      X X    T       2
   _/_/   _/_/_/  _/_/   _/_/   _/_/_/ _/     _/  _/   EEEE    X     T   22222
  _/     _/ _/   _/     _/         _/ _/     _/  _/    E      X X    T   2
 _/     _/  _/  _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/     EEEEE X   X   T   22222
        ***--    loading this package will not damage your system   --***
!!!  However it is entirely possible to damage your system with this package !!!

 This package is designed to create and move FREESCO to an ext2 partition.

        If you are not comfortable with using the Linux cfdisk utility
        and formating hard drives then do NOT install this package.

        This package leaves no changes to your floppy, so if you reboot
        you will have to install this package again.

Do you want install this package (y/n) [y]?


http://www.freesco.net/packages/ext2-0.3.5-lewis.tgz (315K)
/tmp/7661~/ext2-0.3.5-le  [########################]     315K |   53.10K/s
323666 bytes transferred in 5.94 sec (53.09k/sec)
Unpacking ext2-0.3.5-lewis.tgz .. Done

        Now that this package is installed you have two choices.
        The first is to setup for a new install or to repair an
        existing installation. Use

        rc_ext2 setup
        rc_ext2 repair

        You also can use any of the included binaries directly from
        the command line. Binaries and scripts included are: lilo
        mke2fs mkswap e2fsck cfdisk sfdisk fdisk mv2ext2 rc_ext2
Successfully installed...               ext2-0.3.5-lewis

現在ext2 package已經下載完成並且完成安裝。

如果您之前在使用單磁片版本時運作FREESCO,並且有使用ramdisk,建議您立刻將ramdisk功能關閉。因為當您從硬碟運作FREESCO後,ramdisk就會顯得渺小且微不足道。當從硬碟跑FREESCO時,ramdisk的唯一的好處是可以將 /tmp 掛載在ramdisk中,讓/tmp掛載點有更多的空間。要關閉ramdisk功能,請到FREESCO安裝設定功能選項中的第19選項,把他關閉disable即可,然後記得reboot系統。

如果您在rc_user檔案中,有設定在開機時,自動安裝ramdisk package程式,就要將這些設定的內容去除。一旦取消ramdisk功能,將package程式安裝在ramdisk那裡是不可能的,而以後所有的package程式都可以安裝在硬碟當中。

[ Top ]

設定 ext2 package

ext2 package程式目前以完成安裝,接下來就是設定它的相關功能。請依下列命令輸入:

[root@Freesco] rc_ext2 setup

畫面將會顯示有關於ext2 package程式的一些基本信息:

     _/_/_/ _/_/_/  _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ EEEEE X   X TTTTT 22222
    _/     _/  _/  _/     _/     _/     _/     _/  _/  E      X X    T       2
   _/_/   _/_/_/  _/_/   _/_/   _/_/_/ _/     _/  _/   EEEE    X     T   22222
  _/     _/ _/   _/     _/         _/ _/     _/  _/    E      X X    T   2
 _/     _/  _/  _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/     EEEEE X   X   T   22222

        This is a utility to automate moving FREESCO v0.3.5 from a floppy
        to a hard drive ext2 file system. This utility will use fdisk,
        cfdisk, sfdisk, mke2fs, mkswap, lilo, and mv2ext2. All of these
        binaries and scripts are included in this package and can be used
        directly from the command line if you need them. If there is any
        step during this install that is already done then just skip that
        step. This especially applies if you make a mistake and need to
        run the utility again.

        <ENTER> to continue

直接按Enter 鍵,開始進行設定工作:

        You are now going to run the Linux command line cfdisk utility.
        You have to have or create at least one primary ext2 partition
        and optionally one swap partition. You also need to make sure and
        toggle the bootable flag for your primary partition.

        Make sure to write the new configuration to the disk before you
        exit the utility.

        NOTE: By default this utility creates ext2 partitions. So if
        you want to create a swap partition, first create the partition and
        then change the partitions ID to "swap".
        The maximum size of a swap partition is 127MB.

        Run the Linux cfdisk utility (y/n)? [n]


直接按y 鍵,執行cfdisk程式,如果這顆硬碟之前有安裝過windows,應該會看到和下面相似的內容:

                                  cfdisk 2.11n

                              Disk Drive: /dev/hda
                             Size: 1281181696 bytes
               Heads: 64   Sectors per Track: 63   Cylinders: 620

    Name        Flags      Part Type  FS Type          [Label]        Size (MB)
    hda1                    Primary   Win95 FAT32                       1279.92

     [Bootable]  [ Delete ]  [  Help  ]  [Maximize]  [ Print  ]
     [  Quit  ]  [  Type  ]  [ Units  ]  [ Write  ]

                 Toggle bootable flag of the current partition


開始計算主要硬碟分割的容量大小。swap分割區限制的最容量是127MB。設定比127MB更大並不會導致任何錯誤,但是FREESCO將只會使用127MB,其他多餘的部分只是一種浪費,沒有任何意義,所以我們只需要切一塊127MB swap分割區即可,剩餘都切給主分割區吧。在本例中硬碟的大小是1279.92MB,減去127MB還剩下1152.92MB,所以分給主分割區的容量應該是1152.92MB。



    Name        Flags      Part Type  FS Type          [Label]        Size (MB)
    hda1        Boot        Primary   Linux                             1151.93
    hda2                    Primary   Linux                              128.00

現在您需要設定改變had2 swap分割區,它的文件系統類型。請先選擇分割區(請使用上/下按鍵,選擇您想要設定的硬碟分割區)並且以左/右按鍵選擇"Type"項目,然後按下Enter鍵。這時畫面會秀出所以有可以設定的分割區資料型態,並被要求輸入資料型態的數字代碼,我們要輸入數字82,以設定swap分割區的資料型態,然後我們又會回到主畫面,然後hda2看起來像下面的文字:

    hda2                    Primary   Linux swap                         128.00


Disk has been changed.
Reboot the system to ensure the partition table is correctly updated.

WARNING: If you have created or modified any
DOS 6.x partitions, please see the cfdisk manual
page for additional information.


        Do you want to format a hard drive partition (y/n)? [n]

我們必須在使用硬碟分割區之前,先要格式化分割區,所以按 "y"鍵,並按下Enter。

        Format the FREESCO ext2 hard drive partition.

        NOTE: Even if you have an existing ext2 partition that
        was formatted with a lib6 Linux distribution. You need
        to reformat it to be compatible with FREESCO. Also if your
        drive might have bad blocks, add the -c flag.

        (<ENTER>) to skip this step
        EXAMPLE: /dev/hda1
        EXAMPLE: -c /dev/hda1

        What hard drive partition do you want to format ?

您必須先要指定格式化哪個分割區。如果您想要格式化主分割區是 /dev/hda1,就請輸入 /dev/hda1並按下Enter鍵。如果您想在格式化主分割區的同時,順便檢查分割區是否有壞軌,就請-c參數後,再使輸入 /dev/hda1,如 -c /dev/had1。輸入按Enter鍵後,格式化將會開始,如下所示內容:

mke2fs 1.27 (8-Mar-2002)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
140544 inodes, 280720 blocks
14036 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
9 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
15616 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
        32768, 65536, 98304, 131072, 163840, 196608, 229376, 262144

Checking for bad blocks (read-only test): done
Writing inode tables: done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

This filesystem will be automatically checked every 33 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.

        Do you want to format another hard drive partition (y/n)? [n] 

因為只有一個分割區,所以接受內定值 ("n") 並且按 Enter鍵。

        Do you want to format a swap partition (y/n)? [n]

現在您將被問及是否想要格式化您的swap分割區。按 "y" 並 Enter。

        You can now format a Linux swap partition if you created one with
        the fdisk utility. You will need to specify the disk partition
        that you created the swap file in. Also if this partition might
        have bad blocks, you can add the -c flag.

        (<ENTER>) to skip this step
        EXAMPLE: /dev/hda2
        EXAMPLE: -c /dev/hda2

        What swap partition do you want to format ?

跟上一步驟主分割區格式化一樣,swap分割區是/dev/had2,所以請輸入/dev/had2或是 -c /dev/had2,按Enter鍵後,將會直接開始swap分割區格式化。格式化完成後,系統將會提示您如何在FREESCO功能設定選項中定義swap分割區。內容文字如下所示:

Formatting swap space, please wait.....
Setting up swapspace version 0, size = 127987712 bytes

        Now that your swap has been formatted you need to enable
        it in the advanced setup. Rather than specifying a size you
        have to specify the device in the advanced setup swap section.
        This can be done at any time once you have finished.

        EXAMPLE: swap size = 127   (WRONG)
        EXAMPLE: swap size = /dev/hda2

        <ENTER> to continue.


        Copy FREESCO to your ext2 disk partition now (y/n)? [n]


        This script will install FREESCO on a EXT2 partition ONLY !!!!!!!

Choices: Clean install, delete previous copy
         Overwrite existing install leaving extra files intact
         Save previous copy as router.bak
         Restore previous copy router.bak to router

Your choice (c/o/s/r/a) [a]? 


Copying Freesco files to                         /dev/hda1
Copying kernel, ramdisk, and license....        Done
Copying ext2 file system tools.....             Done
Copying additional libraries.....               Done
Copying lilo configuration files......          Done



        Now you can edit the configuration for lilo

        After you are finished editing the configuration script.
        Exit and save with <ALT>+<X> or <F10> and then <y>

        Do you want to edit the /etc/lilo.conf file (y/n)? [n]


        The final step to booting FREESCO is to install a boot loader.
        This is done with the lilo command.

        NOTE: if you have a boot loader from another Linux distribution
        loaded on another partition, you should probably not use this
        command. You should add the correct entries into that OS for
        FREESCO and run the lilo command from there.

        Do you want to run LiLO (y/n)? [n]

除非您知道什麼是多重開機啟動檔LiLO,可以按 "y" 鍵Enter後設定多重開機啟動檔LiLO。否則請直接按"n" 鍵跳過吧。

Added normal *
Added setup
Added debug
Added shell
Added floppy
<ENTER> to continue


        You are now finished. If you are BRAVE and there were no errors
        then reboot and see if it works. If you made some mistakes during
        this install or there were errors. Just use

        rc_ext2 setup

        If you ever change the kernel or ramdisk you will have to run
        the lilo command BEFORE you reboot with the new kernel
        or ramdisk.

        Have fun ;)


Mounting boot device....                        Done hda1


Testing ext2 file system....                    Done


[ Top ]

啟用硬碟的 swap 分割區

最後一步就是將swap分割區啟用。以root權限登入到登錄到您的FREESCO中,並進入功能設定選單中(ADVANCE SETTING MENU)。選擇功能選項第15功能選項 (Swap file)。您可以指定交swap的容量(MB)或是指定swap分割區。比如說前面以linux方式分割的swap分割區,在這裡可以輸入/dev/had2後,按Enter鍵,swap分割區就已經被設定在/dev/had2了。第15選項內容如下所示文字:

 15 Swap file size in MB or Linux native swap device (0 = disable)

本例子中的swap分割區是/dev/had2,因此鍵入/dev/had2,並且按下Enter鍵。退出功能設定選單(ADVANCE SETTING MENU)且儲存改變的設定。回到FREESCO命令提示列下,重新起動您的FREESCO(可以輸入reboot指令)。當FREESCO再次啟動後,您應該看到swap分割區/dev/had2被啟用,如下面文字所示:

Enabling swap partition....                     Done /dev/hda2


[ Top ]

